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Adobe Audience Manager

Adobe Audience Manager is a data management platform that helps businesses create audience segments for targeted marketing.


Used to determine if browser of user accepts cookies or not


Adobe Audience Manager – data management platform uses these cookies to assign a unique ID when users visit a website.


Adobe Experience Cloud uses a cookie to store a unique visitor ID that is used across Experience Cloud Solutions.


The AMCVS cookie serves as a flag indicating that the session has been initialized. Its value is always 1 and…


A simple test value used to determine if a visitor supports cookies. Set each time a visitor requests a page.


Unique value with which Audience Manager can identify a user. Used, among others, for identification, segmentation, modeling and reporting purposes.


Registers the date plus time (timestamp) on which a data synchronization was last performed by the Audience Manager.


DPM is an abbreviation for Data Provider Match. It tells internal, Adobe systems that a call from Audience Manager or…


Used to register a possible error message when sending data to a linked system.


Adobe Target uses cookies to give website operators the ability to test which online content and offers are more relevant…


This cookie is needed by the dispatcher (webserver) to distinguish between the different publisher server.