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Used to opt-out of tracking.


Used to store the original referrer.


Used to store information about clicks and page views.


Used to identify unique visitors.


Indicates whether MUID is transferred to ANID, a cookie used for advertising. Clarity doesn’t use ANID and so this is…


Identifies the first-time Clarity saw this user on any site using Clarity.


Connects multiple page views by a user into a single Clarity session recording.


Persists the Clarity User ID and preferences, unique to that site is attributed to the same user ID.


Used to store the user segment for user targeting.


Used to store the date of the last cookie synchronisation with the partner (set in local storage by default, and…


This cookie is used by RUM API, Dynatrace Real User Monitoring (RUM) gives you the power to know your customers…


This cookie is used by RUM API, Dynatrace Real User Monitoring (RUM) gives you the power to know your customers…


This cookie is used by RUM API, Dynatrace Real User Monitoring (RUM) gives you the power to know your customers…


This cookie is used by RUM API, Dynatrace Real User Monitoring (RUM) gives you the power to know your customers…


This cookie is used by RUM API, Dynatrace Real User Monitoring (RUM) gives you the power to know your customers…


This cookie is used by RUM API, Dynatrace Real User Monitoring (RUM) gives you the power to know your customers…


This cookie is used by RUM API, Dynatrace Real User Monitoring (RUM) gives you the power to know your customers…


This cookie is used by RUM API, Dynatrace Real User Monitoring (RUM) gives you the power to know your customers…


We use cookies to identify the user session when users log in to use the Website. This cookie is required…


We use cookies to identify the user session when users log in to use the Website. This cookie is required…


This cookie is used for identifying the session that is being recorded. This is necessary for recording page changes and…


This cookie is used to determine whether the session is recorded in test session mode. A test session debugger will…


Used to determine whether or not we should display a survey on repeated user visits within a period


We use cookies to understand who referred users to our Website to support our referral program and provide referral discounts.…


We use cookies to understand who referred users to our Website to support our referral program and provide referral discounts.…


We use cookies to understand who referred users to our Website to support our referral program and provide referral discounts.…


These two keys contain the Intercept ID mapped to any PopUnder opened by said intercept, as well as a map…


These two keys contain the Intercept ID mapped to any PopUnder opened by said intercept, as well as a map…


These are used for supporting certain targeting conditions, such as which website originally referred the site visitor. They are typically…


These are used for supporting certain targeting conditions, such as which website originally referred the site visitor. They are typically…


These are used for supporting certain targeting conditions, such as which website originally referred the site visitor. They are typically…


These are used for supporting certain targeting conditions, such as which website originally referred the site visitor. They are typically…


Registers statistical data on users’ behaviour on the website. Used for internal analytics by the website operator.


These are used for supporting certain targeting conditions, such as which website originally referred the site visitor. They are typically…


Registers statistical data on users’ behaviour on the website. Used for internal analytics by the website operator.


These are used for supporting certain targeting conditions, such as which website originally referred the site visitor. They are typically…


Registers statistical data on users’ behaviour on the website. Used for internal analytics by the website operator.


The SISessID and CPSessID cookies are set and used when a Qualtrics user logs into Qualtrics. The value of these…


the cookie is used to test whether the user has cookies enabled, and the SDK should remove it when the…


The SISessID and CPSessID cookies are set and used when a Qualtrics user logs into Qualtrics. The value of these…


In previous versions of the Amplitude JavaScript SDK, the cookie key was set by default to amplitude_id; this may appear…


The Amplitude SDK uses this cookie to test more thoroughly if cookies are available. By default, the key is used…


This cookie is used as a referral-cookie that stores the visitor’s profile – the cookie is overwritten when the visitor…


This cookie contains an ID string on the current session. This contains non-personal information on what subpages the visitor enters…


This cookie is used to identify the frequency of visits and how long the visitor is on the website. The…


Used in lieu of the “Site History” cookie, for the same purpose (keeping track of the number page views as…


This cookie is used for session management including caching of dynamic content, conditional feature access, support request metadata, and first…


Registers statistical data on users’ behaviour on the website. Used for internal analytics by the website operator.


Contains all metadata related to user/session


Ensures Adobe dimensions and eVars are set only once every 30 minutes. Stores the value of the csMatchingKey which is…


Ensures Google dimensions and eVars are set only once every 30 minutes. Stores the value of the csMatchingKey which is…


Cookies generated for Google Analytics and Adobe Analytics integrations which help determine the main domain on which create integration cookies.


Use as a test cookie to get the root domain name excluding subdomains for cookie. For more technical, info we…


This cookie is created to indicate that the user was not selected during random ratio check. This user will not…


If a visitor to client’s website does not wish to be tracked by the software, Clicking this link shall place…


Check if the browser supports the SameSite flag


Enables/disables specific behavior of the Tag for debugging purposes


Specifies whether the data set in _hjUserAttributes Local Storage item is up to date or not


Specifies whether any user attribute has changed and needs to be updated


Stores user attributes sent through the Identify API.


Used to determine the highest-level domain a cookie can be set on (since public suffix domains block setting cookies on…


Event properties cookie.


This cookie is used to count the number of a guest’s pageviews or visits


This cookie is used to capture analytics on the web page


This cookie is used for analytics


This cookie stores if the user is excluded from tracking. Contains the timestamp of the last time this visitor was…


This cookie stores the user is optout


This cookie is used for a few integrations we have that require us to generate replay links and put them…


Consent state: digit between 0 and 3. Used for capturing analytics on web pages


This cookie is used to capture analytics on the web page


Contains: user ID, timestamp (in seconds) of user creation, number of visits for this user


Number of page views for the current session, and the recording state


Stores the initial referrer of the page when a user visits a site for the first time. All the subsequent…


Stores the initial referring domain of the page when a user visits a site for the first time. All the…


Checks whether the cookie storage of a browser is accessible or not. Once checked, the SDK removes the cookie immediately.


Stores the session-related information including sessionId if session tracking is enabled.


Stores the authentication token passed by the user.


Uniquely identify a user on the current domain.


A sequence number that Marketo Measure includes for all requests for internal diagnostics purposes.


A cookie that stores various user information, such as form submission, cross-domain migration, view-through pixel, tracking opt-out status, etc.


Temporarily stores analytics data until successfully sent to Marketo Measure server.


List of checksums from Optimizely and Visual Web Optimizer ABTests data that have already been reported, preventing bizible.js from resending…


Universal user ID to identify a user across multiple domains, only applicable to tenants with integration bypassing ITP limitations.


Stores the user ID set via the identify API. All the subsequent event payloads will contain this data unless cleared…


Universal user ID to identify a user across multiple domains, only applicable to tenants with integration bypassing ITP limitations.


Stores the user traits object set via the identify API. All the subsequent event payloads will contain this data unless…


Stores the anonymous ID. By default, it would be the auto-generated unique ID by SDK for each visitor unless overridden…


Stores the user group ID set via the group API. All the subsequent group event payloads will contain this data…


Stores the user group traits object set via the group API. All the subsequent group event payloads will contain this…


This cookie tracks when a user closes their browser.


This cookie maintains a simple heuristic that detects users who actively delete cookies (cookie deleters). The ‘cookie deleter’ markup is…


This cookie is used for audience creation purposes to store geographical location data (country, state, city).


This cookie is for audience creation purposes to store geographical location data (country, continent, area, city).


This cookie is used for audience creation purposes to collect data about the user-agent and associated window size.


This cookie used to store isReturning value during the session


This cookie stores forced variant id


This cookie is used to track the current user session internally.


This cookie is used to track the current user session internally.


This cookie prevents repeated requests to the Clock API.


This cookie stores the difference in time from the server’s time and the current browser.